Picture Frame Refinishing
The frame surrounding artwork is just as important as the actual piece itself. As an example you have been given an oil painting that has been handed down for generations. You find the piece fascinating but the frame hideous. Sure it is up to you to change it or leave it. But do you realize that the frame might not only have a high monetary value but a historical value itself? The frame at the time it was built may have had a fine finish applied to it . When you have the artwork cleaned and maybe even repaired by a conservator, you have only the minimal work done on it to preserve the beauty of the piece, The same goes for the frame. This finish you really should preserve as best as possible. Sometimes the finish is beyond all hopes. This is where the new finish comes in. One is able to almost duplicate the original finish as close as can be. Old fashioned methods of applying finish are used as well as materials such as shellac and bronze powder or water gild.
Here are some examples of finishing
Base is red shellac, gold bronze powder, light green wash, wash brushed with steel brush, highlights made shiny with re-bronzing
Base is red shellac, gold bronze powder, light beige wash, highlights brushed with steel brush to let red shellac show through,
highlights made shiny with re-bronzing
Base is red shellac, gold bronze powder, white latex mixed with stucco powder, wash brushed with steel brush,
fly-specked with red and black
Base is red shellac, gold bronze powder, white latex mixed with stucco powder, wash brushed (hard ) with steel brush,
As you can see , the sky is the limit with finishes. What you wish for can become a reality For more info see the frame restoration section